About Us

LendingLine is a Mortgage Information Service – our aim is to provide key pieces of information & access to knowledge across all areas of the mortgage industry. Our service then matches up with handpicked advisors who have expertise within your area of need.
Expert Mortgage Advisors

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We've helped 1,000's of customers get the perfect mortgage. Submit your details and we'll match you with an expert who will search over 100 lenders to help find you the right mortgage. It's free, takes less than 60 seconds & doesn't effect your credit score.

We understand that for those looking to attain a mortgage, all clients’ personal and financial circumstances will be very different.

This is why we have created LendingLine – an information website discussing the latest and most relevant information, tips and inside knowledge on mortgages.

In addition, we can match you with an expert team of experienced mortgage advisors who have a range of skills and knowledge in all areas of the mortgage and property finance market.

The broker firms/advisers we match you up with will work with you to be able to ensure you get the most suitable mortgage product for your personal circumstances and make the process stress and hassle-free.

We have specifically handpicked the broker firms/advisers we work with so we have expertise in all areas of the industry, so whatever your enquiry or how complex your case potentially may be, there is an adequately competent and experienced mortgage adviser who will be able to guide you through the process.

Additionally, we will look to bring you the most up-to-date information from the mortgage world through our articles and publications.

Reach Out To Us

Address: Corby Business Centre, Eismann Way, Corby, NN17 5ZB, United Kingdom

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